South Africa is now in lockdown level 2.
Advice on Coronavirus for Food Workers – See panel on the right.
FAQ – SARS-CoV-2 (“Coronavirus”) – Original posting 31 January 2020.
Twelfth update 07 September 2020.
What is the coronavirus?
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large group of viruses that are common in many different species of animals. They cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). The common cold is something we are all familiar with – this is often caused by what is termed “common human coronaviruses” of which there are many different strains.
The current virus that was reported on 31 December 2019 for the first time by China, is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. It has been given the name SARS-CoV-2 and it causes Covid-19 (coronavirus disease).
On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared this outbreak a pandemic.
How does one contract the illness known as Covid-19?
As yet, the original source of the SARS-CoV-2 is not known, even though it has been speculated that pangolins are involved; however, this link is inconclusive at this stage. It is still believed to be zoonotic though (jumped from animal to human).
The primary modes of transmission of infection are:
- From person-to-person (close contact….touching, shaking hands etc),
- Via droplets spread by coughing and sneezing.
One can also get the infection from contaminated surfaces (also known as fomites), although this mode of transmission does not appear to be a primary route of transmission.
According to Public Health England, you have to be in close contact with an infected person – within two metres to be at risk. This can happen at the workplace, in health care centres, hospitals, in a home, buses, taxis, trains, practically anywhere. Frequently touched surfaces include public handrails, lift buttons, money, shopping trolley handles etc. Wash hands well (for at least 20 seconds) after being out in public and sanitize them often. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer gel with at least 60 % alcohol (70% alcohol according to South African regulations) to disinfect hands.
What are the symptoms of infection?
The most common symptoms of infection are:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of sense of smell (anosmia) or even taste now seems to be more common
Loss of smell seems to develop by day 3.
Other symptoms may be fatigue, body aches, headaches, sore throat, chills. There are also reports of nausea and diarrhoea. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia with difficulty breathing, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney and liver failure and even death.
How long does it take for symptoms to show?
Symptoms of Covid-19 typically show between 2-14 days after infection. This is why people who have come into contact with an infected person should self-isolate and seek medical assistance by calling the national toll free number 0800 029 999 or their doctor for assistance. It is now known that some people will have light symptoms and not go to the doctor, whilst some people do not show any symptoms and are asymptomatic. The latter may develop symptoms after the 14 day incubation period or may not. They can still spread the virus, however. There is growing evidence that asymptomatic people make up a greater percentage of Covid-19 positive individuals than originally thought.
Who is most at risk?
Everyone is potentially at risk i.e. there is no zero risk. However, high risk cases remain mainly older people and people with underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, heart conditions, high blood pressure, obesity and HIV. Children and babies are less likely to be infected. If infected, children and babies are likely to have mild symptoms but, they can still spread the virus to others. In very few cases, children develop an inflammatory condition that can be serious.
What is the death rate?
The number of cases and deaths change on a daily basis. It is best to obtain these figures from the World Health Organization. The overall death rate changes but is at the 2-3% mark, which is still less than the death rate for the SARS-CoV-1 virus, which caused the outbreak in China in 2003 – that death rate ran at 10% even though fewer people in total were infected (around 8000 infections with 800 deaths). The MERS virus had far fewer cases but had a 34% death rate. SARS-CoV-2 is far more infectious than SARS-CoV-1 as there are many more cases and the virus is now on all continents except for Antarctica. What often does not make the headlines, is that the majority of people who contract the virus, recover. South Africa reports daily on recovered patients as well. There are many thousands of people who will only have mild symptoms.
What is the situation in South Africa?
On 05 March 2020, the South African National Department of Health announced the first case of Covid-19 in South Africa. Since then, numbers have increased and deaths have occurred. On 15 March 2020, the South African President addressed the nation, declaring a national state of disaster, as well as announcing a number of important measures to limit the spread of the virus. On 26 March 2020 at midnight, South Africa went into a very strict lockdown (Level 5) for 21 days until 16 April 2020 to try and limit spread of the infection and to flatten the curve. Level 5 lockdown was extended to end of April. On 01 May 2020, South Africa moved to level 4 of lockdown, which allowed for gradual re-opening of the economy and on 01 June 2020, the country moved to level 3. On 15 August 2020, South Africa moved to level 2. As South Africa enters into summer months and there is greater movement of people, the number of cases may increase, although current numbers are showing that most provinces have peaked.
The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) is the official body that coordinates public testing for Covid-19 in South Africa. Private medical laboratories are also offering testing services.
Is there treatment or a vaccine available?
There is no treatment for Covid-19, despite many myths on the internet and social media (see below). Treatment is based on symptoms according to the patient’s clinical condition. Supportive care for infected persons is usually highly effective. There are numerous trials being conducted to find a cure and work is ongoing to develop a vaccine. However, an effective and safe vaccine will probably not be available for another 12 months. It also remains an open question as to when South Africa may have access to the vaccine to immunize its population.
Can the virus (SARS-CoV-2) be transmitted through food?
There is no evidence to suggest that the virus is transmitted through food, food packaging or food ingredients. Two closely related viruses, MERS and SARS were not considered a high risk for transmission through food. However, good personal behaviour around food should continue i.e. not sneezing or coughing over food, washing hands and more….these are practices that the food industry has been practicing for decades under “normal” circumstances in the food industry. The World Health Organization has provided advice for the food industry.
Can this Coronavirus live on surfaces?
Viruses cannot grow outside their host but in many cases, they can survive on surfaces. New research shows that this coronavirus can survive for up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel. It must be emphasised though, that experiments are conducted in controlled environments, which do not necessarily reflect what occurs in practice.
How can I protect myself?
Standard personal hygiene practices, as well as food safety practices in the kitchen, are key to prevent spread of many microorganisms, including SARS-CoV-2.
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue or one’s sleeve.
- Throw any used tissues into the bin immediately and wash hands (see next point).
- Wash hands well with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (as has always been touted in the food industry). Do this regularly, but especially after getting home from public areas and before preparing/eating food and after using tissues to blow one’s nose or to cough into.
- Use hand sanitizer after washing hands or if soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer gel. Hand sanitizer must contain at least 60% alcohol (70% alcohol in South Africa) to be effective. Note: If hands are exceptionally dirty or greasy, hand sanitizer will not work. Hands need to be washed with soap and water first and then sanitized, if needed.
- Avoid contact with people who are showing flu-like symptoms, in particular fever and coughing – keep at least a distance of 1.5 metres (preferably 2 metres) from another person.
- Wear masks in public (required by law in South Africa).
- Do not touch your face, eyes, nose, mouth with unwashed hands.
Wearing masks in public and at work is now law in South Africa. However, it is vital that masks do not create a false sense of security. Research has shown that 2 important practices remain key to preventing transmission of the virus. These are:
- Practice proper hand hygiene by washing hands regularly with soap and water and/or sanitize with a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol (70% alcohol in SA).
- Keep a social distance of at least 1.5 metres, preferably 2 metres.
Wearing masks is an additional measure in the fight against transmission of the virus, not a replacement for hand washing and social distancing. The World Health Organization has provided advice on masks as well and is well worth reading.
Are there any disinfectants that work against SARS-CoV-2?
For the food industry, the Environmental Protection Agency of the USA has published “list N” which contains a list of disinfectants that can be used. The NRCS in South Africa also lists what is registered for use in SA. Other disinfectants include household bleach at 0.1% concentration for 1 minute contact time (this can be increased to 0.5% concentration), hydrogen peroxide at 0.5% concentration for 1 minute contact time and 70% alcohol for 1 minute contact time are effective against the virus. Common hand sanitizer gels worked against SARS-CoV-1 and are effective against SARS-CoV-2 as well, provided they contain at least 60% alcohol (70% alcohol in SA). If using wipes to disinfect surfaces, do not use plain “wet wipes”, but look for “disinfectant wipes”. Normal wet wipes do not contain disinfectant and will be useless against SARS-CoV-2. Remember to throw the wipes away immediately into a waste bin after use and then wash your hands with soap and water or if not available, use hand sanitizer gel.
For further clarification , Please visit
We are grateful to
08 Sept 2020
On behalf of the Food safety community all over the world, this is wishing every stakeholder in this crusade a very happy new year 2021.
We believe that this year will witness more action and passion from relevant sectors that will lead to an improvement in the hygiene of food and feed for both human and animal consumption. Inclusiveness and team spirit are critical tools in achieving and sustaining food safety for local use and export.
Kindly come up with suggestions and comments that you think can enhance the quality of our delivery and contribute to attaining the Sustainable Development Goals.
234 8033709492
Mesothelioma cancer, the asbestos-driven silent killer
Mesothelioma Cancer – The Mesothelioma Center
Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor caused by inhaled asbestos fibers. It usually affects the lining of the lungs, however mesothelioma tumors can also form on the linings of the abdomen, heart, and testes.
Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form, accounting for 75% of all cases. It affects the lining of the lungs, and symptoms can include shortness of breath, chest pain, dry coughing and more. The second more common type is peritoneal mesothelioma, which forms in the lining of the abdomen. Although less common, other forms of mesothelioma include pericardial (heart), and testicular mesothelioma.
Asbestos exposure is the leading cause of mesothelioma. Asbestos is a group of six naturally occurring minerals composed of soft, flexible fibers. It was previously used in many consumer products due to its heat resistance.
Those at high risk of developing mesothelioma are blue-collar workers, veterans, and family members of those regularly exposed to asbestos fibers. Firefighters, construction workers, power plant workers, shipyard workers, and others are at high risk of occupational asbestos exposure. U.S. Navy veterans also face health risks due to the abundance of products that were used in many of the military products before the 1980’s.
Due to its long latency period, about 20-50 years, most patients are diagnosed in their late 60’s. Men also account for a majority of mesothelioma diagnoses.
Interventions for Mesothelioma can involve clinical trials, conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery as well as alternative therapies.
It is a silent killer with most cases generally ignorant. Are you exposed to asbestos regularly ? Then this may interest you
To find more information on mesothelioma, and it’s more common forms please visit the links below:
Source: Mesothelioma Cancer Center, USA
The Safe Food and Feed Foundation fully aligns with the objectives of Mesothelioma Cancer Center, USA. For more info , please contact
28 Oct 2020
Are you a Female Agribusiness Founder in need of tools and resources to build a resilient business? We are looking for you!
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Good news is, Ignite 2020 is reaching out to both budding and aspiring founders and woohoo to our Francophone sisters too. Let’s do it!
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DF 2020
The embrace of chemical free Food production has made consumers appreciate good health through bio solutions. One of the companies that now champion green agriculture is Norlie s green. Norlie’s Green is an Agribusiness entity that deals in total Agriculture,value chains and food processing.
Norlie’s Green is registered by law thew Corporate Affairs Commission to underwrite the above listings of Business.
Norlie’s Green is a vehicle to innovation for most farms and in other agri business space.
Norlie’s Green is in partnership( distribution cadre) for an Indian technology Company,a company that devices several machinery and tools to better enhance the farmers activities and profitability.
Norlie’s Green has recorded success in the last 2 years of registration in terms of vegetable cultivation,cucumber and water melon,we are currently expanding of horizons in to cultivation of capsicum in a green House facility and hopes to continue in the diverse.
Norlie’s Green is notable as well for commodity trades and exchange with arrays of partners is the endeavour.
Being a futuristic entity, Norlie’s Green is the producer and manufacturer of Dr Sachs Sugarcane juice also using the bi- products of sugarcane to produce activated charcoals and bio-char, we hope to produce bio-fuels and molasses t from bi- products in no distant future.
For further information , please contact Safe Food and Feed Foundation, who are marketing them
Contact 234 8033709492
An update on FAQ SARS-CoV 2 released on September 7 was posted to all members of the PAEPARD group by Anelich consulting South Africa. Please read on
Coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2
South Africa is now in lockdown level 2.
Advice on Coronavirus for Food Workers – See panel on the right.
FAQ – SARS-CoV-2 (“Coronavirus”) – Original posting 31 January 2020.
Twelfth update 07 September 2020.
What is the coronavirus?
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large group of viruses that are common in many different species of animals. They cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). The common cold is something we are all familiar with – this is often caused by what is termed “common human coronaviruses” of which there are many different strains.
The current virus that was reported on 31 December 2019 for the first time by China, is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. It has been given the name SARS-CoV-2 and it causes Covid-19 (coronavirus disease).
On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared this outbreak a pandemic.
How does one contract the illness known as Covid-19?
As yet, the original source of the SARS-CoV-2 is not known, even though it has been speculated that pangolins are involved; however, this link is inconclusive at this stage. It is still believed to be zoonotic though (jumped from animal to human).
The primary modes of transmission of infection are:
One can also get the infection from contaminated surfaces (also known as fomites), although this mode of transmission does not appear to be a primary route of transmission.
According to Public Health England, you have to be in close contact with an infected person – within two metres to be at risk. This can happen at the workplace, in health care centres, hospitals, in a home, buses, taxis, trains, practically anywhere. Frequently touched surfaces include public handrails, lift buttons, money, shopping trolley handles etc. Wash hands well (for at least 20 seconds) after being out in public and sanitize them often. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer gel with at least 60 % alcohol (70% alcohol according to South African regulations) to disinfect hands.
What are the symptoms of infection?
The most common symptoms of infection are:
Loss of smell seems to develop by day 3.
Other symptoms may be fatigue, body aches, headaches, sore throat, chills. There are also reports of nausea and diarrhoea. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia with difficulty breathing, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney and liver failure and even death.
How long does it take for symptoms to show?
Symptoms of Covid-19 typically show between 2-14 days after infection. This is why people who have come into contact with an infected person should self-isolate and seek medical assistance by calling the national toll free number 0800 029 999 or their doctor for assistance. It is now known that some people will have light symptoms and not go to the doctor, whilst some people do not show any symptoms and are asymptomatic. The latter may develop symptoms after the 14 day incubation period or may not. They can still spread the virus, however. There is growing evidence that asymptomatic people make up a greater percentage of Covid-19 positive individuals than originally thought.
Who is most at risk?
Everyone is potentially at risk i.e. there is no zero risk. However, high risk cases remain mainly older people and people with underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, heart conditions, high blood pressure, obesity and HIV. Children and babies are less likely to be infected. If infected, children and babies are likely to have mild symptoms but, they can still spread the virus to others. In very few cases, children develop an inflammatory condition that can be serious.
What is the death rate?
The number of cases and deaths change on a daily basis. It is best to obtain these figures from the World Health Organization. The overall death rate changes but is at the 2-3% mark, which is still less than the death rate for the SARS-CoV-1 virus, which caused the outbreak in China in 2003 – that death rate ran at 10% even though fewer people in total were infected (around 8000 infections with 800 deaths). The MERS virus had far fewer cases but had a 34% death rate. SARS-CoV-2 is far more infectious than SARS-CoV-1 as there are many more cases and the virus is now on all continents except for Antarctica. What often does not make the headlines, is that the majority of people who contract the virus, recover. South Africa reports daily on recovered patients as well. There are many thousands of people who will only have mild symptoms.
What is the situation in South Africa?
On 05 March 2020, the South African National Department of Health announced the first case of Covid-19 in South Africa. Since then, numbers have increased and deaths have occurred. On 15 March 2020, the South African President addressed the nation, declaring a national state of disaster, as well as announcing a number of important measures to limit the spread of the virus. On 26 March 2020 at midnight, South Africa went into a very strict lockdown (Level 5) for 21 days until 16 April 2020 to try and limit spread of the infection and to flatten the curve. Level 5 lockdown was extended to end of April. On 01 May 2020, South Africa moved to level 4 of lockdown, which allowed for gradual re-opening of the economy and on 01 June 2020, the country moved to level 3. On 15 August 2020, South Africa moved to level 2. As South Africa enters into summer months and there is greater movement of people, the number of cases may increase, although current numbers are showing that most provinces have peaked.
The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) is the official body that coordinates public testing for Covid-19 in South Africa. Private medical laboratories are also offering testing services.
Is there treatment or a vaccine available?
There is no treatment for Covid-19, despite many myths on the internet and social media (see below). Treatment is based on symptoms according to the patient’s clinical condition. Supportive care for infected persons is usually highly effective. There are numerous trials being conducted to find a cure and work is ongoing to develop a vaccine. However, an effective and safe vaccine will probably not be available for another 12 months. It also remains an open question as to when South Africa may have access to the vaccine to immunize its population.
Can the virus (SARS-CoV-2) be transmitted through food?
There is no evidence to suggest that the virus is transmitted through food, food packaging or food ingredients. Two closely related viruses, MERS and SARS were not considered a high risk for transmission through food. However, good personal behaviour around food should continue i.e. not sneezing or coughing over food, washing hands and more….these are practices that the food industry has been practicing for decades under “normal” circumstances in the food industry. The World Health Organization has provided advice for the food industry.
Can this Coronavirus live on surfaces?
Viruses cannot grow outside their host but in many cases, they can survive on surfaces. New research shows that this coronavirus can survive for up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel. It must be emphasised though, that experiments are conducted in controlled environments, which do not necessarily reflect what occurs in practice.
How can I protect myself?
Standard personal hygiene practices, as well as food safety practices in the kitchen, are key to prevent spread of many microorganisms, including SARS-CoV-2.
Wearing masks in public and at work is now law in South Africa. However, it is vital that masks do not create a false sense of security. Research has shown that 2 important practices remain key to preventing transmission of the virus. These are:
Wearing masks is an additional measure in the fight against transmission of the virus, not a replacement for hand washing and social distancing. The World Health Organization has provided advice on masks as well and is well worth reading.
Are there any disinfectants that work against SARS-CoV-2?
For the food industry, the Environmental Protection Agency of the USA has published “list N” which contains a list of disinfectants that can be used. The NRCS in South Africa also lists what is registered for use in SA. Other disinfectants include household bleach at 0.1% concentration for 1 minute contact time (this can be increased to 0.5% concentration), hydrogen peroxide at 0.5% concentration for 1 minute contact time and 70% alcohol for 1 minute contact time are effective against the virus. Common hand sanitizer gels worked against SARS-CoV-1 and are effective against SARS-CoV-2 as well, provided they contain at least 60% alcohol (70% alcohol in SA). If using wipes to disinfect surfaces, do not use plain “wet wipes”, but look for “disinfectant wipes”. Normal wet wipes do not contain disinfectant and will be useless against SARS-CoV-2. Remember to throw the wipes away immediately into a waste bin after use and then wash your hands with soap and water or if not available, use hand sanitizer gel.
For further clarification , Please visit
We are grateful to
08 Sept 2020
The issue of FOOD SAFETY is a global one which must attract the attention of everyone who eats. In other words, consumption of safe food is the responsibility of all humanity who constitute the automatic stakeholders.
Are you a farmer, solution provider/manufacturer, researcher, information experts, international agency technocrats , policy experts and NGOs who feel strongly about food safety ? Please lets have your views on what your organization is doing to attain and sustain Food and feed safety
Please contact <>
Publication is FREE
You can also invite us to your conferences, product launch/fair and workshops
SFFF team
23 Aug 2020
PESTICIDES in RICE: Achieving harmony in global standards, courtesy FAO
Difficulty in designing food policy at all levels easily invites the need to there are 2 sections to the publication which focuses on rice. Part A identifies the level of harmonization in main rice producing and trading countries and explores the possible effects on trade, while Part B investigates the reasons behind differing levels of harmonization.
The publication, that just came out in 2020, will no doubt enhance food safety and international trade. Unfair trade arising from diverse forms of food fraud will embrace a reduction if the 108 -page publication is put to use. This is a commendable outing from the FAO of the UN.
For more information, please visit
The content can be sited as
FAO. 2020. Understanding international harmonization of pesticide maximum residue limits with Codex standards: A case study on rice. Rome.
Source =
23 Aug 2020
NB=We regularly welcome comments, support and partnership on all aspects Food safety. Please contact <>
Food odor is rampant anywhere food is being prepared or served. The odor may be a reflection of a few condiments added to it or a combined effect of all the ingredients, on being heated. At times, such aroma may put off prospective consumers thus attracting loss of interest.. Happily, some manufacturers have devised interventions that can nullify the odor impact by chemical or biological means. Effectiveness of each product is however, determined by the end user .
Although big hotels, poultry and markets reco0gnise the need to deodorize the air environment, many individual faced with economic challenge, are still left out of the loop. The result is a continuous occupation of public spaces by undesirable odors sometimes form food sources, at other times from decaying organic and non- food sources.
Anything that compromises the hygienic quality of air may jeopardize human and animal health. The is pocket-friendly, effective bio solution that leaves no trace after the period of odor capture.
For promotional feature articles, corporate interviews on products and services in Food and Feed safety, please contact please contact <>
Most housewives in the developing countries, grind their soup ingredients in public grinding micro-industry. Such method leaves room for reduced hygiene because the machines are not cleaned regularly as required by safety guidelines. More scaring is the effect of iron filings on the consumers of such soup. Persistent use of the grinding machine and installment release of iron filings into the ground ingredients is a source of scare. Consumption of these materials at levels not easily noticeable might lead to their accumulation in the various body organs leading to morbidities and possible eventual death. The metal used for the grinding disc is not the refined type and so it easily wears out and released residues as filings. Iron filings have also been reported in tea to a litigation level Pepper, tomatoes have implicated as possible carriers of these byproducts of grinding. At some point, it could become a subject of litigation as recorded on tea. A few companies are however, manufacturing better discs that can resist or reduce friction-induced filing release. This underscores the role of mechanical engineering in achieving food safety
Safe food is the responsibility of all food consumers. Let s be responsible
With the need to increase the speed and reliability of detecting food fraud , some laboratories have developed e nose and e tongue and other devices that can capture the status of food on site. The era of laborious laboratory based analyses may be on its way out as research is now intensified on miniaturized, portable, hand held devices with the sensitivity expected. Ellis and co researchers, in 2015, in a paper tagged “Point and Shoot…” delved much on this and similar issues on analyses in the Agri Food sector. The Safe Food and Feed Foundation has always proposed and supported all effort to make food testing easier for direct consumers. This will further enhance the quality of human health and international trade. Now that many stakeholders are thinking along this line, achieving a global food safety, through a rapid detection and quantification technique, may be just near the next bend .
For more , please access
David I. Ellis, Howbeer Muhamadali , Simon A. Haughey , Christopher T. Elliott b and Royston Goodacre 2015. Point-and-shoot: rapid quantitative detection methods for on-site food fraud analysis – moving out of the laboratory and into the food supply chain DOI: 10.1039/C5AY02048D (Critical Review) Anal. Methods, 2015, 7, 9401-9414