FAO hosts E-Conference on Sustainable Food Security

:[GFAR-CSO-NGO-constituency] E-conference by FAO’s ‘Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security’ project
GFAR-CSO-NGO-constituency <gfar-cso-ngo-constituency@googlegroups.com>
15 Mar at 13:55

Dear all,

We would like to draw your attention to an interesting project, run by FAO, one of the Partners in GFAR. FAO’s Research and Extension Unit has been involved in the EU-funded Horizon 2020 research project on “Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security”, commonly known as SALSA.

This project will run an “e-conference” from March 19 – April 9, which is an email based consultation. After two years of research, SALSA now solicits for the participants’ help to identify key knowledge gaps, as well as to share examples that will contribute to build the SALSA empirical base. Using this e-conference, the SALSA team also wants to catalyse and foster an ongoing dialogue with relevant stakeholders.


The participation in the e-conference is free, and participants are free to contribute as much as they want, in their own time (as contributions are submitted and distributed by e-mail).

To register, simply send an email to AIS@fao.org, specifying:

  • Your email address to be registered on the list.
  • Full name, organisation, institute or company you work for, and your position (or simply note “private” if you want to participate on their own behalf).

The aims of SALSA align directly with the aims of actions within GFAR’s Key Focus Area: Communities determining their own needs. Assessing the research and innovation needs of Family and Small Farmers towards a food and nutrition secure future is a GFAR Collective Action contributing to the International Decade on Family Farming and Sustainable Development Goal 2. Partners in GFAR also work to empower small scale farmers and rural women to run thriving, sustainable agri-businesses that generate employment and new income.


We would hereby encourage you to participate in this e-conference and kindly request you to forward this mail to colleagues in your institute or organisation and distribute it within your networks.


A summary of the SALSA e-conference announcement, you can find here: http://bit.ly/SALSAeconf  

The full background document and elaborate coverage of the discussion topics can be found here: http://bit.ly/SALSA-back ground 


Thank you!

GFAR Secretariat

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